Home » I’ll become the best global motivator – Blind, Multi talented, Tolulope Olawuni Affirms

I’ll become the best global motivator – Blind, Multi talented, Tolulope Olawuni Affirms

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A 41-year-old blind enigma journalist, book author, project management specialist, and visual trainer,  Tolulope Olawuni, in an interview with FACTUAL NEWS NG discussed his past, present, and future predictions.

Share with us your background and how it influenced your media path transformation?

Ever since I stepped in to this world, I knew I was here for a real reason. I am Tolulope Victor Olawuni a Blind enigma, Fellow of the Professional School of Project Management, Professional School of Public Relations and a media guru with Nigerian Television Authority. I was born in Modakeke Osun State over four decades ago by the LT. Pastor Johnson Olawuni and Deaconess C.O Olawuni. I was in a hopeless situation at an early stage of my life with my parent even been advised to get rid of me. I began having issues with my sight which I eventually lost at the age of three despite undergoing two major surgeries. I was supposed to see with the left eye after the first operation but knocked it against a loofa catch in attempt to peck a footwear from the ground. This ended all hopes of ever seeing with the eyes again. But glory be to God because no one can change his plans or purpose for a man’s life. I was enrolled in to Blind Centre Ogbomosho in Oyo state. And moved from there to Pacelli’s School for the blind and King’s College respectively; both situated in Lagos. Destiny then moved me to Obafemi Awolowo University Ile’Ife Osun State.

For years you have been a television presenter, how were you able to achieve such despite your health challenge from teenager?

I graduated from OAU with a second class upper and moved to Lagos where I served in Metro FM Ikoyi Lagos where I had the opportunity to share the stage with thorough breed professionals like Godwin Enakhena who I regard as a professional uncle. I also met Chales Anazodo. I presented sport news with them at a time and I also produced entertainment with Oselmelu Celestine. At the end of my service year, I have loved the job and was willing to carry on. This was the beginning of a glorious career which is still continuing. I got in to NTA in the year 2012 and immediately heat the ground running. I faced challenges as the only visually challenged media personality to work at NTA Ife, Osun State at the time. They haven’t seen somebody like me before so I needed to convince them I was able. I was running a program tagged ‘Strength in your Challenge’ which was a motivational program. I interviewed commissioners and top individuals across different sectors in a bid to convince those who were about giving up in life that there was nothing impossible.

There were testimonies of transformed lives as a result of the program. I produced and presented many others like Eye Opener; Health is Wealth and some network contributions to NTA headquarters. I must at this junction appreciate Mrs. Sola Olademeji and Mrs. Olaide Abass for their immense support at different times as managers of my directorate. Though now I work at Ibadan in Oyo State network centre of NTA, they believed in me when it was difficult to do so trusting me with key programs and interview of high quality.

You are also a public relations and project management professional, how has your experiences shaped you and your work?

On being certified as a Public Relations and Project Manager expert, I will return all the glory to God. Infact, this is why I am having this interview because I really do not like bragging about my achievements, but I love getting involved in anything that will inspire people. As a motivational speaker, I make people understand that nothing is impossible. 

This will also mean setting myself as example. Remember I said earlier that all hope was lost over me. But determination and courage to succeed means I was never going to give up.

As a motivational speaker on human health challenges, what has been the impact for you and people?

Your question is very unique to me and sincerely, where ever I go to speak, people are amazed at the things God as helped me to accomplish. When I eventually live, many of them never remain the same again. I mentored people, across board. 

Recently, I started visiting Schools to talk to the students of higher learning on how to stay focused and maximize their God-given potentials and I have positive progressive plans to ensure train people globally on visual challenge and dream achievement ways. 

You are book author, tell us about your bestseller, what stands it out and what should readers expect?

I have not been doing much of writing. I remember writing some articles like Think twice, Lawmakers-law breakers to mention a few. In year 2013, I authored a book titled, ‘Religious Criminal’ which I will described as a religious satire. Many of the things which I highlighted there were not as bad then as it is now.

A lot of things have seriously gone wrong now because people are looking for any means to survive. Many who do not even know what the voice of God sounds like are claiming to have a call from God. Rather, their belly has called them. Though now, I am more in to singing and preaching. I have being in the music scene for quite a while and I write, sing and rap. 

I was in the circular space but I have gone gospel for a few years now and I have an album to my name. I will share the album on my YouTube and LinkedIn. I am also an Evangelist and I have preached in some states of the federation. 

What drives you for success?

Hunger and passion my brother. I want to be globally known. I want to fulfil destiny and attain every height possible. 

I could recall when I concluded my youth service and I needed a job, I applied everywhere. I had to travel to Abuja and Nigeria Television Authority headquarters was one of the places I visited. The Director General at that time gave me attention by asking me to go to the Director of Administration who looked at my Curriculum Vitea (CV). I was later after sometime issued a letter of employment. This was the beginning of my journey to stardom 

How can we get more visually challenged people to become successful and rise to the top as you have done and what tips do you have for younger generations? 

I will not just address those with physical challenge but everyone. But first my advice to people living with disabilities; if you fail, people will find excuses for you. You will even be given reasons why you should not disturb yourself. On the other hand, if you strive to succeed and you excel at it. The same people will applaud you for a job well-done. So, tell me which do you prefer? Before going on, I also wish to admonish parents of people in this class, please don’t indulge them. Allow them to participate in domestic activities. Those ones who are not in School, do not hide them at home. They could be useful.

Government should also do more in encouraging people of this category by providing free education and total care. The society should also show them love. Remember, no one chooses to be blind, deaf or lame. It happened as a result of accident. We need to help them realise their goals by rallying round them. Now to everyone, It is said, by books author called Robert Schuller that “Tough Times Never Last, But Tough People Do”. There is no mountain in surmountable, except the one that exist in your subconscious mind. If you think a mountain is too huge to surmount, then it will be. But if in your imagination and belief, you deem a mountain too small to challenge you, surely you will have the last laugh. Fear is a major enemy of man: when you allow it, then your dream is aborted. 

On the other hand, courage is a tool for greatness, when you have it, then the world is at your fingertips. So close your eyes to the impossibilities around you, then you can see the light. 

How are you able to combine your portfolios, being a family man and still be at your best? 

Time is very essential in a man’s life. You have to be able to manage your time. This is what as aided me to make neither my family or career suffers. When am with my family, nothing disturbs. Whenever it’s time for work, it will be work all the way.

What are the three things you care to do differently of you are made a leader on field of your health challenge?

This is a very huge question. But if I’m made a leader in the field of disability, I will work to enhance the comfortability of my people. I will also strive for more publicity and enlightenment of populace about rights and privileges of those of Living with disabilities. This will give us some leverage in the society. A lot of people still do not know about the potentials and ability of those living living with disabilities especially, the blind. I will so much lay emphasis on this part of health challenge, the eyes is so important, but it does not mean you are useless without your eyes. Just like me. 

Many other visually challenged people in the world are doing great and those in other health challenge are not left out on doing positive outstanding greatness globally. 

Apart from blindness, there is alot beyond the physical vision, we have the Brains to think, analyse and transform our society if given the chance. Thirdly, I will also attempt to lobby the government to do more. We need more enforcement of some laws already made in our favour. Organisations and institutions must be compelled to give us more job opportunities. Discrimination against persons living with disability should be an offense under Nigerian law. In like manner, there should be compensation if you assist in anyway someone living with disability for example, a woman or man who married someone with disability should be given automatic employment. 

List three kinds of people you love?

The first person is God. He is the reason I am where I am today. He has shown me mercy by rubbishing the evil intentions of the evil powers around my territory. Secondly, I truly appreciate my wife. I call her my lover, wife and driver. Her support for me as been massive.

She works at Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospital as an admin staff. She understand sign language so can communicate with the deaf. She assists in interpreting to deaf patients who visits the Virology lab of the Hospital where she currently works. Through her, I have some hearing-impaired friends. We have three children together and she takes care of them excellently well. When I am not a round, there is no vacuum at all. Third person will be my parent. Though my father is gone, but my mother is still alive. This one’s combined to ensure that I am educated. So instead of being a shame and laughing stuck to the family, I am a jewel and pride to her and all my siblings. 

How do you unwind?

I listen to good music and watch movies with my wife. I also love watching football. I am a big fan of Arsenal football club in England. I love going out too, I attend occasions if I am invited. But before I do anything in the morning at all, I pray and study my Bible. While doing that I get a lot of inspiration.    

For consultations or further engagement. You can reach me on (+234) 08066403624. 

Email: toluolawuni@gmail.com

Facebook, victor tolulope Olawuni.

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